Calculating Mileage Claims for Business Travel: Home to First Destination or Entire Journey

Calculating Mileage Claims for Business Travel: Home to First Destination or Entire Journey
Charlotte Baroukh

Charlotte Baroukh

Tax Expert @ Pie

3 min read

Updated: 24 May 2024

3 min read

Updated: 24 May 2024

At what point in my journey should I begin my mileage calculation?

Business mileage claims are vital for self-employed individuals, but questions arise about where to start calculating—home or first destination. This guide delves into the intricacies of mileage claims, offering insights and expert advice through the Pie Tax App for optimized tax planning.

HMRC Guidelines on Mileage Claims:

Ordinary Commutes: HMRC typically doesn't allow mileage claims for ordinary commuting from home to a regular workplace.

Business Travel: Business-related journeys beyond regular commutes are eligible for mileage claims, subject to specific rules. They are typically calculated based on the number of business miles travelled using the approved mileage rates set by HMRC, which cover fuel, vehicle maintenance, and other associated costs.

Home to First Destination Calculation:

When to begin Calculation: Only itinerant traders can include business mileage expenses from home, throughout their journey and back home again, when traveling for business purposes, such as visiting clients, suppliers, or job sites. Other workers may calculate their mileage from their first business related destination, not including travel between work and home. 

Detours and Diversions: Any personal detours or unrelated stops during the journey shouldn't be included in the mileage claim.

Entire Journey Calculation Considerations:

Continuous Business Travel: If your entire journey involves business-related stops or activities, you may claim mileage for the entire trip, beginning with your first business location and ending with your last business related destination (unless your are an itinerant trader).

Documentation: Maintain detailed logs or records of business-related activities during the journey for accurate mileage claims.

Record-Keeping and Documentation:

Mileage Logs: Keep a mileage log detailing the date, starting point, destinations, purpose of travel, and total miles/kilometres travelled.

Supporting Evidence: Retain supporting documents such as receipts, appointment schedules, or client meeting agendas to substantiate mileage claims.

Compliance Checks: Ensure that your mileage claims comply with HMRC guidelines and reflect accurate business-related travel to maximize tax benefits and ensure compliance in the event of an enquiry.


Calculating mileage claims for business travel involves understanding HMRC guidelines and accurately documenting eligible journeys. Utilize Pie Tax App's expert tax assistants for tailored advice, compliance checks, and tax optimization strategies regarding mileage claims, ensuring efficient tax planning and compliance in your self-employed endeavours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I claim mileage from home to my first business destination or for the entire journey?

HMRC guidelines state that mileage claims should start from the first business destination rather than from home (Excepting itinerant traders). This means that you can not claim mileage from your home to the first business location you visit during the day.

Can I claim mileage for the entire journey if I work from home?

If you are a self-employed individual working from home, you cannot claim mileage for the journey from home to your first business destination. However, once you reach your first business location, you can claim mileage for any additional business travel throughout the day.

What if I have multiple business destinations in one day?

If you have multiple business destinations in one day, you can claim mileage for the entire journey between each business location. This includes traveling from one client meeting to another or visiting different job sites.

Can I claim mileage for travel between my home and a temporary workplace?

If you have a temporary workplace that you need to travel to for business purposes, you can claim mileage for the journey from your home to the temporary workplace and back. However, this excludes your regular place of work.

Are there any exceptions to the rule for claiming mileage from home to the first business destination?

In certain circumstances, such as when you have no fixed place of work or if your home is your base of operations, you may be able to claim mileage from home to the first business destination. However, you should consult HMRC guidelines or a tax advisor for specific advice tailored to your situation.

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